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Newsletter May 2008
The next Board Meeting will be on May 19, 2008 / 7PM at Nina Uppaluru's - 408-257-1315
Submission deadline for the June Newsletter is May 15, 2008.
FALC membership for 2008 is now due.

Membership forms are available at http://www.falc.org/members/falc_membership.pdf Please mail the form and $30 check to the address on the form. Please renew in order to keep receiving the FALC newsletter and be on the roster.

FALC General Meeting, The Cupertino Room, Quinlan Center, 10185 Stelling Rd., Cupertino

Monday, May 12, 2008/ 7:00pm - 9:30 PM

Marketing your Art - Workshop by Dimitri Kourouniotis

Dimitri Kourouniotis been a full time artist since 2001, and is a former president and on the board of the Artists Guild of San Francisco. He is also in San Francisco's Artspan Open Studio Planning committee and also on the planning committee for the Hunters Point Spring Open Studio. He has organized/hosted and promoted events and learned from some great salespeople (Bruce Baker, Bob Burridge) over the last few years. He continually observes and talks to artists to learn more about how to sell, present art, follow up and plan for the next event. He has also taught sales techniques at Artspan's "Open Studios 101".


Getting a business license, charging sales tax, marketing yourself and your event, creating a space to sell - converting your studio, greeting customers, permissive selling and your two best tools- talking to the customer, pricing your art -and telling the story of the piece, asking for a sale - looking for the signals, negotiating on your terms, followup, relationship building & customer service.

At the April Meeting

Natasha Foucault painted a beautiful 12" x 60" silk scarf and talked about the process of fixing the colors. She also had several scarves for sale and distributed information on her workshops. Please visit her website http://natashasilkart.com. She conducts classes "Painting on Silk" Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00 PM in sessions of 3 classes.

Our thanks to Erasmo Acosta & Laurie Creveling for bringing refreshments to the March meeting.

There were no new members juried in at the April meeting.

FALC Volunteer Brunch on April 5, 2008
  The FALC volunteers had a very enjoyable brunch while discussing the future plans for FALC. Most of us have other lives outside of art and this was an opportunity to get to know everyone better. Our involvement with the group has taught us many things and has generated many new ideas. We have a very motivated group of artists who are all looking for more ways to market their art while they further their own education and learn about the process of art. We encourage all members to become involved.
Artist of the Month - April

There will be an Artist of the Month event at the May meeting. Please arrive early to register your paintings since only the first 10 paintings will be accepted.

Next Painting change date at Quinlan - June 9, 2008
Please email Nina at ninauppal@aol.com if you have any questions about the Quinlan show.
Triton Museum - Mid-Summer Art Celebration / June 21, 2008

Coordinator Raja Guha Thakurta - 408-455-3036 / raja@ucolick.org

The Triton museum will have a 1-day event on Saturday June 21 called the Mid-Summer Art Celebration. Only 7 or 8 Bay Area clubs have been invited to show as a group and FALC is one of them. Registration deadline was April 15 and we have 20 participants. Each participant will get 2 panels sides of display area and the remaining panel sides will be raffled at the May meeting. There is no charge to participate but the Triton will take a 30% commission on sales. All participants will be notified with further instructions from Raja who is coordinating the event.

Profile of the Month

Every month we bring you the profile of a FALC member who has contributed her time toward the club. Our profile this month is of Laurie Creveling who is our current secretary and also does the newsletter mailing. She attends all the steering meetings and contributes with humor and enthusiasm! Laurie is an emerging artist working in oil and acrylic paint, sculpture, ceramics, mixed media, and short films. She is currently working on a series, "Animal Control," which explores the complex relationship between humans and animals. Laurie has studied Art at DeAnza College, where she received AA degrees in both Painting and Art History. She has also studied sculpture, ceramics, and film. She is an award-winning artist, exhibiting in California.

Gallery Pages

If you have not done so already, please don't forget to send us the information we require to create a gallery page for you. For instructions on sending in your information, please visit /gallery/submit_new_gallery_page.html and email all necessary information to janki_chokshi@hotmail.com.

Open Studios / Panel Rental
Panels are available for rent all year at $5/weekend for members and $7 / weekend for non-members. For panel rental please email Nina at ninauppal@aol.com

Shows to Visit

Mimi Kearns will be exhibiting 15 oils at Cardona Castle - Barcelona Spain, May 15-25. She will also be participating (19 artists) in Los Gatos Unleashed www.losgatosunleashed.org with her sculpted painted dogs in merchants' windows until the silent auction in June. Mimi was also featured with an article on her current work in the Cupertino Courier, April 30th issue.

Priyanka Gupta has a show of her Acrylic works "Life and Its Mysteries" March 10 to April 30 at the CA Institute of Integral Studies Main Building, 3rd floor, 1453 Mission Street, SF. Weekdays 9-6:30pm, Weekends 9-3pm.

Jane Ferguson has been juried into the Viewpoints Gallery, 315 State Street, Los Altos. www.viewpointsgallery.com. Her work will be on view starting April 1, 2008

The Hudson River painters at the Cantor Center at Stanford - Show until May 4, 2008. Free parking and admission on weekends.

Stephen Yee and Bairu Ng - Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition March 26 to November 1, 2008 at The Pacific Heritage Museum in San Francisco.

Shows to Enter

Art and Wine Festivals all over the Bay Area: Go to caartists.com for information on how to participate in all the Art and Wine Festivals in our area including the Mountain View, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Fremont Art Festivals and many more. There is a 1 time jurying-in process and then you are free to participate in as many events as you want. Submit 4 photos of you work, one of your display area and a copy of your business license. Details at CaArtists.com.

National Watercolor Society 88th Annual Exhibition www.nationalwatercolorsociety.org / Deadline: May 24, 2008

University Arts Open Art Competition - All Media included. $1000 for 1st Place, $750 for 2nd Place, $500 for 3rd Place. Judged by George Riviera - Triton Curator. Entry fees $25 for the first painting and $35 for 2 paintings. Deadline for entry June 2nd. Download the prospectus from www.universityart.com

San Francisco Public Artists Pool: Call for artists who would like to participate with art in public areas in the city. One need not be an artist with experience in public art, they have professionals that can help artists translate their work into more permanent materials. http://www.sfartscommission.org/pubart/opportunities/rfqs/200802ccsrfq.htm All application submissions are online. Deadline for submission April 30, 2008 https://www.callforentry.org/index.php


Natasha Foucault conducts classes "Painting on Silk" Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00 PM in sessions of 3 classes. There will be 3 projects -12" x 60" scarves, and she will provide all the materials. Her contact information is at http://natashasilkart.com.

The Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society has some excellent workshops offered in 2007 and 2008. Workshop artists are Mike Bailey, Joyce Faulknor, Donna Zagotta, Frank Francese, Mark Mehaffey, Barbara Nechis and more. You do not have to be a member to participate and the workshops are reasonably priced. Please visit www.scvws.org for complete workshop details.

Free Demos by SCVWS: For a complete list of free demos please visit http://www.scvws.org/workshops/wkshp2008.php Katherine Chang Liu - June 1, Don Andrews - July 20, Donna Zagotta - September 14, Ann Pember - October 19.

Kay Duffy: Watercolor classes - 2nd & 4th Monday of the month (408) 867-0508

Volunteers Needed!
  • Refreshments coordinator: (Dee is unable to continue in 2008) 2 people needed We need someone to make a commitment to set-up the refreshments and coffee, find volunteers to bring snacks, and remind (before each meeting) the volunteers to bring something, clear the table after the meetings.
  • Panel Rental: We need 2 people to take over the Panel Rental. You would store at least 12 3ft x 6ft panels and be the contact person when someone wanted to rent them. As an incentive, we will offer $200 a year for one person to store 24 panels or $100 each to two people storing 12 panels each. You can use the panels rent-free for your own events during the year and will automatically be first in line for them for events like SVOS.
FALC Board 2008
President: Iona Ezaki - 408-978-6614 / Agenda
Vice President: Belinda Lima - 408-252-0367 / Exhibits & Demos
Vice President: Nina Uppaluru - 408-257-1315 / Newsletter, Website, Panel Rental
Treasurer: Rajani Balaram
Website: Nina Uppaluru, Janki Chokshi
Quinlan Show Coordinator: Leila Sehovic
Secretary: Laurie Creveling
Publicity: Janki Chokshi
Graphics: Carrie Zeidman
Membership: Reiko Michisaki
Refreshments: Dee Sullivan
Mail Pick-up: Dianne Cassidy
Historian: Zoe Thompson
Mtg Coordinator: Gary Ratts

We would love to hear from you. Please send questions or comments to information@falc.org

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