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Newsletter October 2008
FALC General Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Quinlan Communtiy Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014
October 13, 2008
  General Meeting. Please bring a painting for Artist Of The Month
October 15, 2008
  Submission deadline for the November newsletter
October 20, 2008
  Next Board Meeting at 21471 Columbus Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014
  All members are encouraged to attend and become involved with the club.
November 10, 2008
  Next Quinlan Show change
FALC Annual Juried Show
Juror Stefan Baumann www.thegrandview.com

Our thanks to the participants and volunteers for the 2008 Show. Congratulations to all the Award winners!

The Show Reception and Auction were presided over by Cupertino Mayor Dolly Sandoval, Rotary President Steve Ting, Cupertino Arts Commission Chair Bob Harrison, and about 150 guests. FALC President Iona Ezaki then presented a check from the proceeds of the auction to the Rotary Club of Cupertino ShelterBox project.

We also awarded long time member and past FALC President Zoe Thompson an award in appreciation of her many years of service and support to the club.

Photos of the Award winning paintings

Photos from the Reception and Show

We would like to thank all our generous Sponsors

The Rotary Club of Cupertino for $1000 in Prizes.
Stefan Baumann and the Grand View www.TheGrandView.org
University Art www.UniversityArt.com
Golden Artists Colors www.GoldenPaints.com
Cheap Joes Art Supplies www.CheapJoes.com
Creative Catalysts www.CCPVideos.com
Superior Color labs -1202 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA
Accent Arts www.AccentArts.com
Jay Cool
Mindy Berkowitz
Allegro Framing www.AllegroFraming.com
Liz Tadman
John Eaves
Yamagami Nursery in Cupertino www.yamagamisnursery.com
October 13, 2008 General Meeting

FALC General Meeting, The Social Room, Quinlan Center, 10185 Stelling Rd., Cupertino

Monday, October 13, 2008/ 7:00pm - 9:30 PM

Open to the Public - Guests are welcome

Suminagashi (spilled ink) demonstration by Yoju


Suminagashi is a technique where you add paint to water and then add the paper to get a marbelizing effect. Yoju will demo the technique and then provide paper for members to come up and make 1 sample each. For more details on this technique please visit http://artbyoju.com/sumi.html

Artist's statement: I like to paint common subjects. I find interesting meaning in ordinary things. For instance, I find it beautiful and enjoyable to paint even a small stone. I always observe nature and express my feelings through my work. I don't distinguish between representation and abstraction, and am not bound by historical trends and tradition. Born in Hokkaido, Japan, and raised in Tokyo, Yoju began formal study at the age of 8 at the Maejima Academy of Art, Tokyo where she continued for 25 years. Additional studies in Calligraphy with the well known instructor, Fujo Minami, Tokyo, were conducted throughout her primary and high school years. After high school followed three years of intensive study at the Kuwasawa and Ootsuka Academy of Design, Tokyo, and an additional 4 years of study at the Pacific Ocean Academy of Art, Tokyo.

2009 Board Nominations

We are currently taking nominations for several Board positions for 2009.

Please consider becoming involved with the club and sharing your skills and experience with us. If there is anyone you would like to nominate (including yourself) for the positions listed below, please email us about it or let us know at the general meeting. Most members serve in a position for a year or two and then enjoy moving on to other duties. This is a club that functions on the volunteerism of its members so please consider getting involved. You could consider sharing the duties with a friend at the club.


  Iona Ezaki has served the club as President for 3 years and would like to step down and be involved with the club in other ways. Duties of the President would be to write the agenda for the general meetings and the steering meetings once a month and to speak at the general meetings.
Vice President Demo Coordinator
  Belinda Lima has served in this position for 3 years and will train the next person who will fill this position. Duties will include finding a variety of demonstration artists, confirming dates and finding out about the visiting artist's requirements, sending reminders before the meeting, providing the demo artist's info for the newsletter, helping the demo artist set up before the meeting and making sure that they are paid.
  Rajani Balaram who has served as Treasurer for 2 years would like to step down. She will help the next Treasurer ease into the duties - keeping the board informed about the bank account, keeping accounts of sales and expenses and submitting a simple tax statement at the end of the year. The treaurer should ideally have some accounting experience and attend most steering meetings.
  Our current Secretary for the past year - Laurie Creveling is stepping down and would also like to try other duties with the club for 2009. This position could be shared with a friend and would require you to attend the general meetings and submit the minutes of the meetings by email.
Volunteer Positions Open
Refreshments Coordinator
  Ralph Otte has volunteered to help with refreshment setup but would like to share the job with another person who would fill in when he cannot make it. Duties would include - reminding the people signed up to get the refreshments, setting up the refreshments table and clearing the table at the end of the meeting.
At the September Meeting
Preston Metcalf, Assistant Curator at the Triton Museum, gave an extremely interesting talk and slide show about the lost art of Afghanistan.
Artist of the Month

Please bring in a painting for Artist of the Month at the October meeting. Only the first 10 paintings will be accepted.

Artist of the Month winners in August

Next Painting change date at Quinlan - November 10, 2008
Gallery Pages

If you have not done so already, please don't forget to send us the information we require to create a gallery page for you. For instructions on sending in your information, please visit /gallery/submit_new_gallery_page.html and email all necessary information to janki_chokshi@hotmail.com.

Open Studios / Panel Rental
Panels are available for rent all year at $5/weekend for members and $7 / weekend for non-members. For panel rental and availability please email Carrie Zeidman at czeidman@elanstudios.net or call her at 408-741-5809.

Shows to Visit

Belinda Lima is now showing at Gallery 9 in Los Altos, 143 Main St., Los Altos. Tuesday - Saturday 11am to 5pm

Priyanka Gupta- "Color Explosion Show" displayed at Expressions Gallery, 2035 Ashby Ave., Berkeley, CA 94703. October 11 to December 5, 2008

Jane Ferguson has been juried into the Viewpoints Gallery, 315 State Street, Los Altos. www.viewpointsgallery.com. Her work will be on view starting April 1, 2008

Stephen Yee and Bairu Ng - Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition March 26 to November 1, 2008 at The Pacific Heritage Museum in San Francisco.

Kay Duffy Show - Watercolors, gouache & experimental collage, October 1 through 26, 2008, Reception on October 5 from 4 to 6pm. Show at Aegis Gallery 14531 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA. Kayduffywatercolors.com, 408-867-0171

Grace Tang- "Montage paintings in oils and acrylics" displayed at the Saratoga Library art wall. January & February 2009

Shows to Enter

Triton Museum Statewide Watercolor Competition & Exhibition Entry Deadline zOctober 6, 2008. Entry form and information at www.tritonmuseum.org. Submission by CD or slides.

California Watercolor Association Entry Deadline October 18, 2008. Juror John Salminen www.californiawatercolor.org


The Grand View Ranch Workshop- Stefan Baumann's 3 day weekend workshop in beautiful Mt. Shasta at the Grand View Ranch. Info at www.thegrandview.com 1-800-511-1337 baumann@thegrandview.org

Landscape painting classes with Stefan Baumann. Weekly on Thursdays in San Jose. Info at www.thegrandview.org

The Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society has some excellent workshops offered 2008 and 2009. Workshop artists are Mike Bailey, Frank Francese, Mark Mehaffey, Barbara Nechis and more. You do not have to be a member to participate and the workshops are reasonably priced. Please visit www.scvws.org for complete workshop details.

Free Demos by SCVWS: For a complete list of free demos please visit http://www.scvws.org/workshops/wkshp2008.php

Collage with Kay Duffy - Monoprint color and texture on lovely translucent Asian papers torn and glued to create abstract or impressionistic paintings. All supplies provided. Classes also offered in Palo Alto in early September. Watercolor classes will continue twice a month during the summer. Call 408-867-0508 or go to k@kayduffywatercolors.com

FALC Board 2008
President: Iona Ezaki - 408-978-6614 / Agenda
Vice President: Belinda Lima - 408-252-0367 / Exhibits & Demos
Vice President: Nina Uppaluru - 408-257-1315 / Newsletter, Website
Treasurer: Rajani Balaram
Website: Nina Uppaluru, Janki Chokshi
Quinlan Show Coordinator: Yelena and Slava Shabrova
Secretary: Laurie Creveling
Publicity: Janki Chokshi
Graphics and Panel rental: Carrie Zeidman
Membership: Reiko Michisaki
Refreshments: Dee Sullivan
Mail Pick-up: Dianne Cassidy
Historian: Zoe Thompson
Mtg Coordinator: Gary Ratts

We would love to hear from you. Please send questions or comments to information@falc.org

Copyright © 2003-2004, Fine Arts League of Cupertino
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