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Newsletter September 2008
September 22, 2008 - The next Board Meeting - 7PM at 21471 Columbus Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014
September 15 , 2008 - Submission deadline for the October Newsletter.
September 8 , 2008 - Next painting change date at Quinlan / No Artist of the Month
FALC Annual Juried Show

Thank you all for your submissions of Artwork to the Auction and the Show!

Location: Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014


Auction & Reception: September 12, 2008 - 7 PM

We hope you will all attend the Auction and Reception on September 12, 2008 at 7pm. Your presence there will help make the event a huge success. 70% of the proceeds from the Auction will go to the Rotary sponsored ShelterBox project to benefit the Sechuen Earthquake victims. A ShelterBox provides a tent and all survival necessities for 10 people over several months. For more information go to www.shelterbox.org

Show Invitation to download and email out

Please bring friends who are interested in viewing or buying Art at very reasonable prices. Snacks, dessert and wine will be served. Awards will be presented by the Mayor and City Officials.

We would like to thank our generous members who have donated artwork for the Auction

Nava Attia-Benoit
Janki Chokshi
Iona Ezaki
Priyanka Gupta
Yao-Pi Hsu
Rajiv Khilnani
Joy Kuo
Tanushri Mathur
Dee Sullivan
Nina Uppaluru
Carrie Zeidman

Show Calendar

September 10
  8 AM to 9:30 AM Receiving
    (Please be prompt because the judging starts exactly at 10AM)
September 11
  Winners will be notified about Awards
September 12
  7 PM Auction and Reception
September 13 & 14
  10 AM to 5 PM, Earth Expressions Show
September 14
  5 PM, Pick up your Artwork at the end of the Show
September 15
  11 AM to 1 PM Drop off Award Winning paintings at Quinlan

We would like to thank all our generous Sponsors

The Rotary Club of Cupertino for $1000 in Prizes.
Stefan Baumann and the Grand View www.TheGrandView.org
University Art www.UniversityArt.com
Golden Artists Colors www.GoldenPaints.com
Cheap Joes Art Supplies www.CheapJoes.com
Creative Catalysts www.CCPVideos.com
Superior Color labs -1202 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA
Accent Arts www.AccentArts.com
Jay Cool
Mindy Berkowitz
Allegro Framing www.AllegroFraming.com
Liz Tadman
John Eaves
Yamagami Nursery in Cupertino www.yamagamisnursery.com
September 8 , 2008 General Meeting

FALC General Meeting, The Social Room, Quinlan Center, 10185 Stelling Rd., Cupertino

Monday, September 8, 2008/ 7:00pm - 9:30 PM

Open to the Public - Guests are welcome

Preston Metcalf - "Defying the Taliban: Saving the Art of Afghanistan"

Lecture and Slide Show

In 2001 the Taliban dynamited the 2 giant Buddhas of Bamiyon out of existence. These massive stone sculptures, more then 180 feet tall, were created in the 6th century and were regarded as national and world trasures. It is but one atrocity the Taliban perpetrated in the name of cultural intolerance. This is the story of a number of brave individuals who defied the Taliban, even at the risk of death, to save their artistic and cultural past. The lecture will be accompanied by a slide show. Preston Metcalf is the Assistant Curator at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara. He conducts an ongoing series of lectures on Art History at the museum. For more information on his lecture series, please visit www.tritonmuseum.org

At the August Meeting
Linda Lum gave a very engaging interactive talk on color, the psychology of color and how it is used in our environment.
Artist of the Month
There will be no Artist of the Month event at the September meeting.
Next Painting change date at Quinlan - September 8, 2008
Please come in early by 6:30pm to pick up your paintings currently hanging at Quinlan. Do not bring new paintings for the next show. On September 15th we will hang the winning paintings from the Earth Expressions show as our next Quinlan Show.
Profile of the Month

Every month we bring you the profile of a FALC member who contributes their time and effort toward the club. Slava Shabrov and his wife Yelena Shabrova have offered to handle the painting changes at Quinlan and have been a great help during setup and takedown of FALC community shows.

Slava Shabrova is a photographer and has had his camera in hand as long as he can remember. He considered going into photo journalism after school but then decided to make a career in engineering (computer systems and networks) while staying with photography as his passion. He likes both digital and traditional phtography but in the last 8 years has grown to appreciate the convenience of digital media. Wide angle landscapes and sunsets are his favorite subjects and they both present big but very different challenges. He comments that unlike creating a painting, photography is a selection process; he does not know which of 50 shots of that cone or pine will end up in a frame, if at all. But once selected, that particular photo that is printed and framed is what he considers his piece of art!

Gallery Pages

If you have not done so already, please don't forget to send us the information we require to create a gallery page for you. For instructions on sending in your information, please visit http://www.falc.org/gallery/submit_new_gallery_page.htm and email all necessary information to janki_chokshi@hotmail.com.

Open Studios / Panel Rental
Panels are available for rent all year at $5/weekend for members and $7 / weekend for non-members. For panel rental and availability please email Carrie Zeidman at czeidman@elanstudios.net or call her at 408-741-5809.

Shows to Visit

Jane Ferguson has been juried into the Viewpoints Gallery, 315 State Street, Los Altos. www.viewpointsgallery.com. Her work will be on view starting April 1, 2008

Stephen Yee and Bairu Ng - Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition March 26 to November 1, 2008 at The Pacific Heritage Museum in San Francisco.

Kay Duffy Show - Watercolors, gouache & experimental collage, October 1 through 26, 2008, Reception on October 5 from 4 to 6pm. Show at Aegis Gallery 14531 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA. Kayduffywatercolors.com, 408-867-0171

The Los Altos Art Club Show - "A Symphony of Colors" held at the Community School of Music and Arts, Finn Center, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, September 8 to 22, 2008.

Shows to Enter

Art and Wine Festivals all over the Bay Area: Go to caartists.com for information on how to participate in all the Art and Wine Festivals in our area including the Mountain View, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Fremont Art Festivals and many more. There is a 1 time jurying-in process and then you are free to participate in as many events as you want. Submit 4 photos of you work, one of your display area and a copy of your business license. Details at CaArtists.com.


Critique Group: If you would like to join a Critique Group and get some constructive feedback on your art while meeting other artists who work in different media, please contact Tamar Assaf 408-329-8212. She is putting together a group that will meet once a month.

Natasha Foucault conducts classes "Painting on Silk" Thursdays 6:30 to 8:00 PM in sessions of 3 classes. There will be 3 projects -12" x 60" scarves, and she will provide all the materials. Her contact information is at http://natashasilkart.com.

The Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society has some excellent workshops offered in 2007 and 2008. Workshop artists are Mike Bailey, Donna Zagotta, Frank Francese, Mark Mehaffey, Barbara Nechis and more. You do not have to be a member to participate and the workshops are reasonably priced. Please visit www.scvws.org for complete workshop details.

Free Demos by SCVWS: For a complete list of free demos please visit http://www.scvws.org/workshops/wkshp2008.php Donna Zagotta - September 14, Ann Pember - October 19.

Collage with Kay Duffy - Monoprint color and texture on lovely translucent Asian papers torn and glued to create abstract or impressionistic paintings. All supplies provided. Classes also offered in Palo Alto in early September. Watercolor classes will continue twice a month during the summer. Call 408-867-0508 or go to k@kayduffywatercolors.com

Volunteers Needed!
Refreshments coordinator: (Dee is unable to continue in 2008) 1 person needed.
Our thanks to Ralph Otte who has volunteered to help with refreshments but we need 1 more person to share the job. We need someone to make a commitment every other month to set-up the refreshments and coffee, find volunteers to bring snacks, and remind (before each meeting) the volunteers to bring something, clear the table after the meetings.
FALC Board 2008
President: Iona Ezaki - 408-978-6614 / Agenda
Vice President: Belinda Lima - 408-252-0367 / Exhibits & Demos
Vice President: Nina Uppaluru - 408-257-1315 / Newsletter, Website
Treasurer: Rajani Balaram
Website: Nina Uppaluru, Janki Chokshi
Quinlan Show Coordinator: Yelena and Slava Shabrova
Secretary: Laurie Creveling
Publicity: Janki Chokshi
Graphics and Panel rental: Carrie Zeidman
Membership: Reiko Michisaki
Refreshments: Dee Sullivan
Mail Pick-up: Dianne Cassidy
Historian: Zoe Thompson
Mtg Coordinator: Gary Ratts

We would love to hear from you. Please send questions or comments to information@falc.org

Copyright © 2003-2004, Fine Arts League of Cupertino
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