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Newsletter November 2009
FALC General Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of each month except July. For specific meeting sites, please visit the Demo page.
November 9, 2009

GENERAL MEETING in the Cupertino Room at Quinlan Center.

    ARTIST OF THE MONTH - There will be no Artist of the Month at this meeting
    PAINTING CHANGE - Please pick up your Quinlan paintings between 6:30pm and 7pm before the meeting. You may bring another painting to hang at Quinlan until the January 2010 meeting. Please note that there is a $10/week storage charge for paintings that are not picked up when scheduled. You can arrange for someone to pick up your paintings if you cannot do so yourself.
November 16, 2009
  7 PM Steering Meeting at Panera Bread, 20807 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in planning for the club.
General Meeting - November 9, 2009

FALC General Meeting, Cupertino Room, Quinlan Center, 10185 Stelling Rd., Cupertino

Open to the public. Guests welcome.

Using Vacation Photos to Create Great Paintings


Artist and Art Instructor - Genway Gao will demonstate a landscape painting in oils. He will guide us through the process of building great paintings from our photos of landscapes and will talk about how to make decisions on what we should enhance, include, delete and change to make a great painting.

Genway teaches his art students to use his process of painting. He says "The method I use here, is very simple, natural but powerful. I believe this is the shortest way to train artistic skills."

FALC Bylaws

Once a year the FALC Board reviews the FALC Bylaws for necessary changes and corrections. At the November 9 meeting we will be voting to make the following changes -

1. Membership fees are $30 per year and $15 per year after July 1 for the remainder of the year.

2. The Treasurer is authorized to issue checks on a single signature for amounts up to $200. The signature limit does not apply on checks issued not in conjunction with FALC expenses, such as transferring sales funds to artists.

3. The jury process for Exhibiting Membership status occurs at regular monthly meetings except December

The FALC Bylaws are available at http://falc.org/org/index.html

2009 December Holiday Party

We hope you will join us on December 14th at 7pm for the FALC Holiday Party. It is a FALC tradition to paint together and make posters for the Pleasant View Convalescent Home in Cupertino. You are welcome to paint very simple joyous images that represent what the holiday season means to you. The paper will be supplied to you but you will need to bring your own fast drying water based paints and brushes. If you prefer not to paint we welcome members to join us anyway.

Please bring a snack to share at the party and a small wrapped gift worth about $5 to $10 which we will deliver to the Convalescent Home. The patients at the Convalescent Home sometimes do not have families visiting them at this time of year and they truely appreciate the gifts we take for them.

The February Show - "From The Heart"

Location - Main Street Cafe, Main Street, Los Altos

Show: February 1 to 28 / Entry deadline: January 15, 2010

Entry Form

We will show 40 paintings at the Main Street Cafe. One or two entries will be accepted depending on the number of entries submitted. Please mail in your form without the payment. Payment will be made at Receiving on January 31 at the Cafe. Please be sure to volunteer to help with at least one activity on the entry form.

2010 FALC Positions

It is time to fill positions for 2010. Please consider volunteering for an open position.

Our members have many skills and talents that the club needs. Some of you have organizational skills, some have technical skills, some have writing and creative skills that you may want to enhance in the process of helping the club. Volunteering for the club will help you network with other creative people and would give you an opportunity to try tasks that you have never tried before. If you are concerned about flexibility with time committments, you could also share a task with another member at the club. Any involvement would be a great help!

If you have any questions or concerns about volunteering for an Open Position below, please call or email us at the numbers listed at the bottom of the newsletter. We would be happy to guide you to a task that is best suited to your time constraints and interests.

Monday November 9 we will vote for our Steering committee. This includes: President, two Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary. Everyone is eligible to run for these offices and nominations will be accepted at the time of the vote. Already nominated are Yelena Shabrova for Treasurer, Janki Chokshi for Secretary and Nina Uppaluru for First Vice President. There are no current nominations for President and Second Vice President.

Steering Committee positions that require nominations and votes
Positions Duties Nominations
President Agendas, conducting the general meetings OPEN
Vice President Graphics, Website, Newsletter Nina Uppaluru
Vice President Exhibits OPEN
Treasurer Accounting and tax filing Yelena Shabrova
Secretary Minutes of the General and Steering meetings Janki Chokshi
Positions that do not require nominations and votes
Printed Newsletter Create a 1 page word document and mail to 10 members monthly OPEN
Hospitality Set up snacks during the general meetings, send email reminders OPEN
Greeting table Set up table and keep forms stocked for general meetings. OPEN
Gallery Pages

If you have not done so already, please don't forget to send us the information we require to create a gallery page for you. For instructions on sending in your information, please visit submit new allery page and email all necessary information to janki_chokshi@hotmail.com.

Open Studios / Panel Rental

Panels are available for rent all year at $5/weekend for members and $7 / weekend for non-members. For panel rental and availability please email Carrie Zeidman at czeidman@elanstudios.net or call her at 408-741-5809.

FALC does not endorse the classes, venues and events listed below. We simply list any information that we determine would be of interest to our members.


Belinda Lima's painting "Shattered Mirror" was accepted into the International Society of Acrylic Painters 2nd online Juried Show. You can visit the show at www.isap-online.com

Belinda Lima's painting "City Lights" was awarded an Honorable Mention at Pacific Art League's Black and White Show.

Nina Uppaluru's painting "Toward the Light" won 3rd Place in Watermedia in the Los Gatos Art Association show at the Art Museum of Los Gatos at 4 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos. The show runs October 22nd to December 4th, 2009.

Shows To Enter

The Cupertino Library Foundation Show - Deadline Dec 1, 2009. The theme for this show will be "The Red Show". Maximum submission size 36". Entry forms can be downloaded at http://www.cupertinolibrary.org/foundation/art_display.html

Classes And Events

The Society of Western Artists based in Redwood City, conducts workshop by national and local artists. The workshops are conducted in their gallery in Redwood City and are open to everyone. For more information on their 2010 workshops please visit www.societyofwesternartists.com

Kay Duffy Watercolor classes: Hakone Gardens in Saratoga. Every 2nd and 4th Monday morning. Please email K@kayduffywatercolors.com for detailed information.

The Grand View Ranch Workshop- Stefan Baumann's 3 day weekend workshop in beautiful Mt. Shasta at the Grand View Ranch. Info at www.thegrandview.com 1-800-511-1337 baumann@thegrandview.org

Landscape painting classes with Stefan Baumann. Weekly on Thursdays in Saratoga. Info at www.thegrandview.org

The Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society has free demos offered in 2009. Location: Hoover Theater, Room A & B, 1635 Park Avenue, San Jose. 1:30 to 4:00 PM. Workshop artists are -

2010 Workshops
Jan 10, Myrna Wacknov, Liquid Watercolor Portraits
Feb 7, Christopher Schink
March 8, Ratindra Das
April 25, Steven Quiller Color
June 6, Katherine Chang Liu, Finding yourself as an artist
Nov 6, Frank Webb, Saving whites in a pattern to get you thru the painting
Please visit www.scvws.org for complete workshop details.

Website Design

Website Design: Have you always wanted to have a website for your artwork but have no idea how to get one made? Worried about updating it? A Monta Vista HS student who has won awards for his web design work has offered to design a basic website for you for $300. The site would include a Home page, 2 Galleries with 8 pieces of artwork each, an Events page and a Bio page. Updates to the site (with about 3 pieces of new art and updating the events page) would be about $50. Please contact Vikram Nilakantan at vikram.nilakantan@gmail.com for more information.

FALC Guidelines - Criteria for Jurying-in new members

FALC has been fortunate this year to welcome many new members, and with our annual art show coming up in September, we can look forward to many others being interested in joining our club. One of the questions that we get asked the most from current members and those who are interested in joining is about our criteria for acceptance. Our process is clear and simple. Anyone who wants to join needs to bring three pieces of art to one of our meetings. The members present at that meeting will vote, and, if a majority of people approve, that person will be accepted, pay their dues, and become an exhibiting member.

The question about criteria is not so simple. We all know that Art is subjective. Sometimes we benefit from that subjectivity, and sometimes we don't. No one can tell you what good Art is or isn't.

As a juried club, FALC strives to maintain a certain standard of proficiency since organizations that invite us to exhibit assume a certain selectivity. One rule of thumb commonly used when voting in new members is to ask yourself this question - Would I like to exhibit with this work? Would this new work add to the reputation of the club? Just as we support each other by bringing our best work to shows and by providing new, fresh work for the painting changes at Quinlan, we can use our Artists' eyes to make decisions about what work will be hanging beside us at the next show.

Voting "no" during the jurying-in process does not bar an artist from joining the club. The artist can still be a member, just not an "exhibiting member". Non-exhibiting members can attend demos and meetings that provide an environment for their art to grow. As they continue to develop their skills, they are welcome to jury in at a later date.

FALC Guidelines - Copyrighted material

The laws regarding copyrighted material are complex and not uniform from state to state. In order to avoid liability and the burden of determining whether a particular image involves copyright infringement, FALC has created the following guidelines for member artists. FALC assumes that it is the respoinsibility of the artist to honestly follow these guidelines and assumes no liability for work that is submitted or displayed not following these guidelines. It reserves the right to disqualify a painting if there is reasonable doubt about copyright infringement or plagiarism.

  • Work entered for a show must be the artist's original work in concept and execution.
  • It cannot be copied from copyrighted material or photographs belonging to another person or organizaion except with the copyright holder's explicit written permission.
  • It cannot be the reproduction of a painting done by another person even if the original artist is acknowledged on the painting.
  • It cannot be the reproduction of a historic painting.
FALC Board 2009
President: Laurie Creveling - 408-243-9791 / Agenda
Vice President: Iona Ezaki 408-978-6614 / Membership
Vice President: Nina Uppaluru - 408-257-1315 / Newsletter, Website
Treasurer / Quinlan show: Yelena Shabrova
Secretary / Publicity: Janki Chokshi
Refreshments: Ralph Otte with Krishna Mitra and Jiradit Thurma assisting
AVArtfest Coordinator: Priyanka Gupta and Tanushri Mathur
Demos and Programs: Laurie Creveling
Quinlan Show Coordinator: Yelena and Slava Shabrova
Graphics and Panel rental: Carrie Zeidman
Mtg Coordinator: Gary Ratts, Holly Van Hart and Grace Seidman

We would love to hear from you. Please send questions or comments to information@falc.org

Copyright © 2003-2004, Fine Arts League of Cupertino
Welcome send comments to Webmaster