July 2024 Newsletter

Key Dates

 July 8th, 2024: FALC General Meeting on Monday at 7:00 PM Hybrid Meeting.


2024 -2025 FALC Membership

To participate in FALC sponsored shows and exhibits, one must be juried in as a exhibiting member. Artists who have submitted 3 pieces of original art which meet with the approval and acceptance of the voting members will be awarded "Exhibiting Membership". Jurying in will take place at most meetings.

Membership for continuing members is $45.00 per year, January through December.

$45 - full year membership

$25 - half year membership (Jurying after June 2024 till December 2025)

Upcoming News

PAST Artist of the month:


Since There are not much participation there is no AOM on FB this month. Members are requested to actively participate.  

General Meeting

July 8th, 2024

FALC General Meeting, at 10185 N Stelling Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Quinlan Community Center Craft room and Zoom Meeting

Monday, July 8th 2024 7:00 PM - 9 PM


Originally from Ukraine, Natalia Shevchenko is an artist living and working in California. She is most interested in exploring art as a communication tool by creating works as a spiritual experience that heals us during and after life-changing events. In artistic practice, Natalia uses mostly watercolor in the author's multilayer technique. Combining contemporary art and fashion illustration, she explores conceptual art through color and pattern. Natalia's studio is located in Sunnyvale, CA Website: https://nataliashevchenko.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artbyshevchenko

Shows to See

FALC does not endorse the classes, venues and events listed below. We simply list any information that we determine would be of interest to our members. If you have a show or reception that you would like to list in this section, please send the information (under 50 words) to janki_chokshi@hotmail.com along with a picture of the display if you have one.


 Library Show: The Cupertino Library Foundation is working with the Cupertino Library and the Fine Arts League of Cupertino to bring Art Exhibits to the Cupertino Library. The Cupertino Library Foundation has committed resources to help sponsor various Art Displays inside the Library. All artists in Santa Clara County who work in 2D art are encouraged to submit their original artwork for display at the Cupertino Library. Email submissions or questions to: libraryart@cupertinolibraryfoundation.org For more information, visit: https://www.cupertinolibraryfoundation.org/art Theme: Nature Topic: Summer vibes - Fresh and crisp Size of the artwork: artwork size including the frame 24”x 24” on any side Submission date: July 15 Proposed display date: July 17 For selected submissions, artists will have to drop and pick up their original artwork on a designated date. Selected Artists will be notified about the designated date, time, and place.


Shows to Enter

 The Fallfest show is on Sept 14th and details will be updated soon.

Uart Open 24024 is accepting entries.


Classes and Workshops

2024 FALC Board

Existing Board members has volunteered to serve for the year 2024 in the same positions.. Thank you  Board members for your time and support. 

President: Janki Chokshi - - Website and Newsletter
Vice Presidents: Sriharsha Annadore ad Saikat Choudhury      
Treasurer: Divya Eby   
Secretary: Vishakha Shah   
Membership: Anandhi Pugazanthi
Publicity: Kalpana Adesara
Demo Coordinator: Janki Chokshi    
Online Gallery pages and web Master: Namratha Prithviraj
Artist of the Month Updates: Sriharsha Anadore
Panel rental: Janki Chokshi
Greeting Table: Anandhi Pugazanthi
Online mail and News letter updates: Janki Chokshi, Anandi Pugazanthi, Kalpana Adesara, Saikat Choudhury, Sriharsha Annadore  

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